Is IMG An Insurance Or Investment Company?

The International Marketing Group or better known as IMG is neither an insurance nor an investment company.

International Marketing Group is a pioneering global company that serves as an avenue towards the ease of financial security. It also caters the financial needs of every individual and families who wish to access financial independence.

IMG is a new concept in the financial industry that assists people who want to help themselves in building their financial foundation.

The institution is a financial organization that has established several partnerships with many financial service companies including insurance and investment companies. 

IMG Finance Product Providers - from Healthcare, Insurance and Investments

Many have misunderstood the institute as selling insurances and investment products. Little did they know that the company really strives to educate people about the importance of understanding financial literacy, concepts and products. When a person decides to apply what he has learned through training, workshops and lectures, IMG can recommend financial products and companies where he/she can invest and secure his/her finances. Technically, we educate and only recommend, just like a doctor who diagnoses and recommends medicines but not necessarily selling medicines – the patients still have their options.

Traditionally, when a person wants to invest or avail in a financial product, he goes to different agents to various companies of different financial products. It is a very tedious task and that's why a number of people don’t want to understand or learn financial matters.

IMG has solved this dilemma by becoming a one-stop shop of financial services and products. IMG wants us to take charge of our finances.

While we have heard a lot of horror stories of agents that got fired or ran away from their companies leaving clients clueless of what to do, IMG invites people to become their own financial experts and their own financial managers. Being a part of the institute, you remove the middle man (agent) and you take charge of your financial future.

However, IMG does not compete with traditional agents. In fact, IMG's career also helps agents to earn more by being able to offer diverse products that their company cannot offer (as most agents are limited only to one or two products). If you are a life insurance agent, you can only offer life insurance. If you are an investment solicitor, you can only offer investment products. The biggest competitors of agents now are banks, as banks are also starting to offer their clients insurances and investments.

That's the reason IMG has been successful inviting people from the old financial industry to the new industry. With our powerful system: no quota, no territorial restrictions, does not require you to be full-time and the best benefit – vesting rights. With this package and the big distribution of IMG (having associates all over the world), there will come a time that all financial services companies and institutions will partner with IMG. This is what it means by building a new financial industry, the biggest distribution in the financial services and does not even own a single financial product.

"IMG will surely be able not only dominate the industry but take over the financial industry." - Mr. Noel Arandilla, IMG co-founder.

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Is IMG An Insurance Or Investment Company? Is IMG An Insurance Or Investment Company? Reviewed by Admin on 6:55:00 PM Rating: 5

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